Keeping your car clean isn't just about polishing up the paint from time to time. It is an important part of regular maintenance and servicing. Thorough interior and exterior care can extend the life of components and ensure that everything is kept in good condition.
Something that many people don't think about cleaning is the electrical parts. With the right tools and the right approach, you can ensure that electrical components such as cables, wires and connections are clean, dry, dirt- and oil-free without causing damage.
From the battery to the ignition, we show you in our guide how to safely clean electrical parts in your car.
Should you clean electrical components in your car?
Dirt, grime, and dust can accumulate on electrical components and contact points such as battery terminals, ignition, and spark plugs. Over time, this can disrupt the electrical connections, resulting in intermittent power or motor power losses. In the worst case, it can even lead to a breakdown on the side of the road.
Regular cleaning of electrical components reduces the risk of permanent damage and corrosion and ensures the performance of your car's engine and systems. Of course, you can't clean electrics with water, but there are products that can do this job safely – you'll learn more about them later in this guide.
What are the signs that electrical contacts need to be cleaned?
When dirt and corrosion cause electrical faults, the symptoms can easily be mistaken for other problems under the hood. To help you better spot the signs, here are a few things that might tell you when it's time to clean the electrics:
A warning light on the dashboard – Electrical faults often cause warning lights to appear on the dashboard, even if there is no problem with the component in question. If you don't find any obvious faults after checking your car, check the condition of the wiring and contact points.
Interrupted engine performance – If your car's alternator doesn't charge the battery properly, you'll notice poorer engine performance, including false starts, stalls, and lack of power. Make sure your car's battery terminals are clean at all times to reduce the chances of electrical-related engine problems.
Low beam headlights or other electrical faults – Have you noticed limited visibility when driving at night with the headlights on? Maybe your power windows are a little slower than usual? The problem could be a dirty or corroded connection, so check your wiring to find out what's causing the problem.
How to clean the electrical system with Holts Electrical Contact Cleaner
Cleaning electrical parts can be difficult for several reasons. First, there is a risk of damage if you use the wrong cleaning method. Then there is generally the problem of reaching electrical components. Wires, cables, and connectors are often hidden behind protective covers and other parts in the engine compartment, making them difficult to reach.
But that doesn't matter, because Holts has the perfect tool for it. Considered one of the best electric cleaners on the market, our Electrical Contact Cleaner offers professional results in an easy-to-use spray bottle.
The cleaner is specially designed to remove grease, oil and dirt and quickly reconnects without damaging sensitive electrical components. With its powerful cleaning action, the product works immediately, removes stubborn corrosion and dries quickly without leaving any residue.
And best of all, you can spray our electric contact cleaner from any angle, even on your head. This means that you can easily reach electrical components anywhere in your car.
Sounds good? How to use the cleaner:
With the ignition off, locate the electrical components you want. You may need to disconnect some parts, such as the battery terminals, for best results. We recommend that before you start, you take a photo of all the electrical parts you want to separate so that you know how to put things back together.
Spray the cleaner directly onto the electrical contact point from a distance of approx. 10 cm. The fast-acting formula gets started right away, quickly removing dirt and oil to restore electrical connectivity.
Allow the product to dry – wiping is not necessary. Thanks to our quick-drying, residue-free formula, you can clean the electrical system quickly and safely without the need for additional cleaning that could damage sensitive components.
And that's it – you're good to go. Our Holts Electrical Contact Cleaner is trusted by professionals, so it's clear that it's safe to use in your car. And because it's so quick and easy to use, you can make it a part of your regular car maintenance.
We hope this guide will help you clean your car's electrical systems safely. Click here for more professional car care products, or visit the rest of the Holts blog for more tips and advice around driving. Visit our homepage today to view our full range of DIY car care products.